Friday, April 27, 2012

Sick of being Sick

Hey All,

Been still trying to fight off this strepthroat!!!  still no gym time for me... i really want to go to the gym... mainly for the sauna lol! Ive been thinking of why my weight loss was going so slow... i honestly believe its because i was snacking, but, it would be all together and not spread out.. .so my metabolism wasnt always working... i started spreading out my snacks out more like i try to eat something once an hour from 8:30ish until 230ish.... then have a snack before dinner and then my ww ice cream later and am done for the night.... sometimes though its hard to do because im just soo busy at work!!

 So tonight im taking it easy, tomorrow i want to be well enough to go to the gym again, but im also going to movie and a dinner with my mom, great aunt, my meatball, and her mom- We're seeing the 5 year engagement... Also, my meatball and I are going to look for a dress for her and maybe do our nails and eyebrows,,,, then on Sunday i am going to the outlets a couple of my other girl friends... No going out at night this weekend for me though... im trying to get a 20lbs lost picture up but i dont have any too recent of a picture... Also my mom notices a difference and i feel a difference... like this pair of sweats i bought when i first started we too tight and no they fit very comfy... but its hard for me or really anyone else to see a change because of the fact i gained 45lbs in like 3months...

Ohhh i cant believe i forgot to write about this!!!2 Saturdays ago on the elipitical i was finally able to run a mile without slowing down at all!!! That was one of my goals!! The next day i ran 2 miles in i think 16 and a 1/2 minutes!! i couldnt believe it!!! i was soooo proud of myself!!!

Oh another fact... i need to start taking my own advice.... i run an extended learning program and told a couple of my kids that when they want to lash out to write/ draw why they are upset in a little notebook that they should carry around with them at all times and then react to the situation... both of them listened... but what about me with the 2 times i cheated... did i do that?? no i think if i did i would have benefited from it... like another time i blogged!

Carbaholic Girlie ox

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